Comment Télécharger Et Installer Instagram sur Pc SHMONEY GEEK. Comment poster sur INSTAGRAM depuis son How to Update Microsoft Store’s Apps in Windows 10/ PC Author: SHMONEY GEEK. Télécharger Instagram sur PC. Instagram for Windows 10 is the official application of the world’s largest photo-sharing social network.Optimized for use on Windows 10 device using both traditional keyboard and mouse or touch controls, this app brings the world of fun photo sharing to devices on your home, work or on the go.8,5/ Nom: instagram sur windows 8 Format: Fichier D’archive Version: Nouvelle Licence: Libre (*Pour usage personnel) Système d’exploitation: Windows XP/7/10. MacOS. Android. iOS. Taille: 27.60 Скачать Instagram (Windows 10) In particular, Instagram For PC can take a photo or video and also allows its users to share them on the other social media services further like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr and so on. Instagram For PC is incredibly focusing on sharing your photos with your fri...